Good morning my royal people, I hope you all had a great weekend. My weekend was full of events, so I had an awesome time. I attended a paint&prayer party, I spoke at a women's conference, and I hung out with family and friends. Then came Monday, LOL!! Monday is always my BUSY day!! Yesterday I made a post saying I needed time off from work to catch up on my work. Then I begin to think, Keyotta stop thinking about what you need to do, and just DO IT! So, I immediately grabbed my planner and started to write.
The first thing I did was write down every single thing I needed to do, no matter how small. I wrote down all my business to do's, ministry to do's, family to do's, and personal to do's. Then I looked at the due dates, to see how I should prioritize these tasks throughout the week and day. I had to remind myself to try not to do too much daily, but I tried to be realistic and set goals that were reachable and attainable. From there I started to execute. I prayed and asked God to help me and then I got focused.
My phone tried to distract me, I had people calling with other tasks, and I just added them to my list to do later. My kids tried to distract me with a movie, but I just added them to my list as well. By the time the night came, I had then completed most of my important tasks for that day. I felt proud that I didn't let what I couldn't do, stop me from what I was able to do!!
The attached photo is some of the tasks I completed on a Monday!! Not including dropping my kids off at practice and taking care of my home. This is motivation that with God, the right mindset, and momentum, you can accomplish your goals!!
What have you been putting off? Have you written it down? Do you know when those things are due? What or who is in your life distracting you from giving today your all? Decide to be GREAT today and start to tackle that to do list!! If you need help with time management, you can schedule a session by clicking PURPOSE PLANNING.
REMINDER: Don't forget I have my 2nd class on "How To Bid on HCR Postal Contracts" coming up in July. I invested $3000 in this class, but I'm only charging $50.00 for those who want to know how to obtain government contracts. I mean, who doesn't want to get a check on the 30th of each month for 7-8 years?
Bidding and Winning Postal Contracts
This class will teach you:
How to structure your business to bid on postal routes
The pros and cons of having a route
Tips for filling out the cost worksheet
How to run your route successfully
How to receive routes straight to your email
Questions and answers
Click here to register for class!!
Are you ready for your OWN testimony?
Are you ready for financial freedom?
Talk soon,
Keyotta Rene' C.
"Write the Vision that God has given you, Work the Vision after getting the Blueprint & strategy from God, and then Believe in the Vision and have faith no matter how things may look. It will be fulfilled at the Appointed time." -Keyotta Rene' C.